Fatigue - Harmonize Health

What is fatigue?

Fatigue is a feeling of extreme physical or mental tiredness and lack of energy. It's a normal response to demands on our bodies, but can become a medical issue if it persists, gets worse, or starts impacting daily life.

There are two main types of fatigue:

What causes fatigue?

Many factors can contribute to physical and mental fatigue, including:

How can you manage fatigue?

If simple lifestyle changes don't help with persistent fatigue, see your doctor, as it may indicate an underlying condition. In general though, tips to reduce fatigue include:

In conclusion, fatigue is the body and brain signaling their need for rest and recovery. Paying attention to fatigue levels and addressing contributing lifestyle factors can often provide natural relief. But significant or worsening fatigue should be evaluated by a doctor at Harmonize Health. Implementing sustainable changes to sleep, diet, activity levels, and stress management can help fend off fatigue before it sets in.

Visit your doctor if fatigue persists or worsens.

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